Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Recent Rose Show

This past weekend, I entered a design in a Rose Show flower show competition. While I didn’t win, I enjoy the challenge of trying to create a pleasing arrangement. This kind of activity only appeals to a very few people, but for me it is like solving a puzzle - you have a finite amount of assigned space, a title of the class that is to be the “theme” of the piece, and the horticulture and lines needed to express a sense of beauty. Sometimes I feel as though I hit it right on the nose, and other times I know I’m still reaching. But I keep doing it, so I must like the challenge. It’s sort-of like learning a new language in which we express our feelings and emotions.

Since it was a rose show, the focal point of each design was to be a rose … and what beautiful ones we saw! You couldn’t see this show without feeling educated about the specific horticulture, more stimulated about growing roses, and delighted with the creative expressions.

There are eight visual characteristics (Elements) to be considered:

  • line
  • form
  • color
  • texture
  • pattern
  • size
  • space
  • light
These eight Elements of design are teamed with six Principles of design to achieve beauty:
  • balance
  • dominance
  • contrast
  • proportion
  • scale
  • rhythm
They are, in effect, the ammunition for the arranger. The judges use the Principles for judging at the outset, and then the Elements figure in too.

The photos just share some of the fun designs.

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