Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Gardening With Kids

Wow, the wren is dive-bombing the chipmunk, so it must be time for her fledglings to learn to fly! After that, maybe we’ll be able to sleep later in the mornings; it’s been a noisy hatching season. At least I haven’t been the one who had to haul all those insects for the twerps.

Early June is a great season for twerps – of all kinds – in the garden, though.

The Lamb’s Ears are at their softest right now, and I keep a tablespoon and a piece of newspaper handy in case a new neighborhood kid happens by.

If they haven’t yet received a scoop of this plant, I make sure they get one to carry home and plant for their own fuzzy pleasure.

I show them how elegant they look with the rich colors in the garden, but it’s that tactile quality that gets ‘em every time. And then, while I have their mini attention-spans focused, I show them other fun things in the garden.

My snapdragons that wintered over are just about ready to gobble up tiny fingers … heh, heh.

And the Bleeding Heart is hanging in just enough to also show them the “lady in the bathtub.”

All this is a nice break from the creepy insects that we’ll study on subsequent visits, and I like sharing.

The roses are popping out all over the place, and I’ve entered a Rose Show on Saturday.

Here’s hoping tonight’s rain helps and doesn’t hinder.


sweetcaryl said...

It's a wonderful life in the garden. Thanks for sharing.

Natalie J. Damschroder said...

I should not have started reading this blog.

I cannot garden. I would like nice flowers in my yard, especially since we did plenty of work and it looks less like an I-don't-care set of weed patches, but they never do well for me.

And here I am thinking..."Lamb's ear seems pretty easy...I love snapdragons...ooh, am I too late to do tomatoes?"