Monday, April 13, 2009


Hurry! It’s lovely up here!

Barbra Streisand sings this on the album "On a Clear Day…” and I sing it to all my garden ephemerals at this time of year. Even though it’s still WAY too cold from my point of view, the garden moves inexorably forward with its parade of blooms. The scilla, chionadoxa, crocus, hellebore, daffs, and aconites are struttin’ their stuff. Spring is happening in spite of itself, and we’re all delighted. It can’t happen fast enough.

Speaking about that song, we sell, on our website store,, a great album by Ellen Zachos (a garden writer and past Broadway-ite) called “GREEN UP TIME” that contains 20 songs (including “Hurry…”) from what she calls “Botanical Broadway.” It’s one of those great albums to listen to and sing with in your car, where you can be as dramatic a (mental) gardener as you please! Check it out.

AND, speaking of being a mental gardener, we’re digging a new vegetable/herb/cutting garden that has my total mental attention.

Oh, the possibilities! What shall we plant?! The world is our oyster, and being in this position feels really, really rich. Reality will set in soon enough – replete with weeds and bugs and lack of water, but for now I can imagine a “mahvelous” garden with “mahvelous” yield and “mahvelous” Kodak moments … stay tuned to see if it happens!

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