Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving Centerpiece

I was just dis-assembling the Thanksgiving centerpiece, and I thought it would be good to pay public tribute to its makers.

Katie (who is 10) and Brittany (who is 8) did a “quickie” while in a race with the gravy-makers to see if they could get something to the center of the table quickly…and they did!

We bought two of those three dollar bunches of flowers at the grocery store, raided the scruffy boxwood under the kitchen window, and soaked a block of Oasis before plopping it in a rectangular “o-bowl.”

Greens went in first … not too tall on top or too wide on the sides, but longer on the ends to fill the space. That defined our shape.

Then, from our bargain bouquets, we picked and poked…chrysanthemums first, then the couple of carnations, and finally some lily buds.

They really did it all, I think it came out great, and they felt good about it. Yea!


Lona said...

Jane, it turned out gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is Katie(age 10), the one mentioned on the computer! I am Jane's grandaughter, who has engaged in my grandmother's gardening skills. I would like to thank my grandmother for showing my sister, Brittany(age 8) and my work! Thanks! It did turn out goregeous!

Anonymous said...

Ach-h-h, I LOVE those kids!
Katie, you and Britt did a great you do with ALL the projects you undertake. Don't forget, this Thursday you get to plant your's Josh's doing? Take a photo for me. Lotsa love, Nana

Anonymous said...

Thank you for teaching me how to make the centerpiece, Nana! I loveed the flowers that we used for the centerpiece. We had a great Thanksgiving (especially with the center piece in the middle!). I also made my own cneterpiece with a candle in the middle with other garden stuff around it. It's fun to do. I love you! Brittany

Anonymous said...

Hey there, Miss Britt!
Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog.
We DID have fun, didn't we?!?
I forgot to ask you whether you made the candle for the centerpiece that you had made in school. It's the same shape as a carrot, and we could use it for a nose on a snowman...if you don't mind having a pink nose instead of an orange one.
It's freeze-y here with snow on all of the garden beds. Even the squirrels aren't tempted to dig up my bulbs now! xxx Nana