The Arum is a bulb (or a rhizome … not sure) that takes a bit of time to establish. But it is a nifty addition because its leaves are fresh and green just when everything else is looking ratty. Liking moist, rich soil and part-to all-shade, it looks like our native Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema). It has bloomed in early summer on a “finger-like” spadix, produced berries in late summer, and then it sent up spiffy, new leaves in the autumn. Deer turn up their noses at it (all parts are toxic), but chipmunks carry the fruits around before they figure out that they don’t like Arums either! If it’s a rough winter season, these Arum leaves will take a beating and succomb to the elements. If it’s mild, we win … and will have the leaves to look at all season long. These guys are great to have if you need to enter horticulture in a winter flower show, too.
Sarcococca is a groundcover/shrub that is happiest in shade too, although, once it has established, it will tolerate a dry shade. See the flower buds under the leaves?
The “stinking hellebore,” as foetidus is called, started blooming in November, and it will continue into the summer. The bloom is the light green on the top. It adapts to any condition from full sun to deep shade, and it may grow to be a healthy clump in time.
1 comment:
Three very interesting plants, none of which I have in my garden. (I lack shade.)
Thanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
(If you haven't done so, please leave a link on the Mr. Linky widget on my bloom day post so people can find you!)
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