Monday, November 3, 2008

Golden Delicious

Apples aren’t the only things that get to own the name “Golden Delicious,” when the whole world is looking so beautiful around me!

Autumn is just glorious these days, and it’s such a fleeting time. Yes, it lives in our memories all year long – as does the fleeting fragrance of spring lilacs, yet it is but a moment in time.

Bring out candles for the table as daylight-savings-time is gone by. Stew meat and pork roasts and apple crisps rise to the top of our kitchen lists. Firewood and kindling move inside. Sensory triggers change with the season, but they are just as welcome … just as delicious!


Marie said...

Hi Jane,

Thanks for the reminder to enjoy the fall colors. The colors are just about at their peak here in eastern PA. The air is crisp and the sun is warm.

There is a lot to savor as the work in the garden slows.

I will now stop whining about the cold, dark winter ahead and enjoy autumn while it lasts.

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping by, Marie. It IS a beautiful time of year!

Anonymous said...

Knowing that the change of fall colours will be transitory does make the scenery that mush sweeter. The sights and sounds of autumn bring back pleasant memories for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi NS...thanks for visiting. I just came back from your site, and your photos are breathtakingly awesome! ...and your garden plants are interesting to see. Z.3 is tough! I'll be back to study them more.

Jana said...

Nice posts, I like especially those from someone´s gardens!

Anonymous said...

thanks, Jana.... come visit again! I love visiting gardens too, and my friends have some fun ones.

Ellen Zachos said...

What a glorious yellow color! In my part of PA (NE) most of the leaves are down but images like this will keep the memory bright.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ellen! Thanks so much for visiting. I SO enjoy playing your "Broadway Botanicals" CD (...can't remember the real name, and it's in the car) that I got from you a couple years ago at Garden Writers. Come again...and I enjoy Garden Bytes too!