Sunday, October 19, 2008

What's In YOUR Garden?

A whole bunch of bloggers are posting what’s blooming in their gardens on the 15th of each month. Oops! I missed the 15th, but I decided to take stock anyway.

Sometimes there are pockets of plantings that deeply satisfy a gardener, and there’s a lovely corner at our place this week. The deep mahogany that develops with the Sedum “Autumn Joy” is echoed by the Miscanthus bloom as well as the sepals on the Heptocodium that grows behind. Lovely!

You can find Toad lily giggling by our front door too. I like to cut it for inside, remove all the leaves (which – for me – always look awful anyway), and stick it in a pinholder as though it were an orchid.
Of course the asters are glorious, and my favorite – along with the bees – are the Asters tataricus "Jindai". They’re the last to bloom, never need staking, and are 6 feet tall. Next year I’m going to plant some next to my giant-tall, leggy-gangly sunflowers that bloom at the same time. Maybe then I’ll like those yellow-fellows a bit more.

Dahlias ...
Re-blooming iris ...

The last of the roses …

There’s still lots to like!


Marie said...

Tartarian Asters - I never heard of them. I've got to find a place in my garden for at least one. I've checked the web and it seems doable.

I want some reblooming iris, too. So nice to have more than one bloom time for these pretty flowers.

Thanks for a look into your fall garden.

Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting, Marie!
It's always fun to find a new and interesting plant, isn't it?!?