Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunflower Decorations

The farmers around us who are growing sunflowers commercially are certainly decorating our lives these days. As crops come into full flower, they almost cause wrecks on the adjoining highways!

The Sumac is turning orangey-red on local roadsides too, so autumn will arrive right on time. What a wonderful time of year it is … apples, pumpkins, asters, chrysanthemum, rudbeckia, sedums, cattails and grasses … beautiful!

Soon the little critters will take to their dens and tunnels, and it will be time to plant the fall bulbs. While I’m aware that many scoff at those of us who dare to describe the magic that happens with bulbs, I encourage everyone with a bulb in their hand to find an innocent who will enjoy the surprise in the Spring … and share. Plant a bulb where it will surprise. Imagine a neighbor’s delight if you “snuck” one or two into an unlikely couple of inches on their property. A nice secret to warm us through the winter!

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