Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sorry Autumn Garden

The August we experienced this year provided little or no rain, and the soil was dry to an unbelievable depth. Then those remnants of tropical storms blew through and beat the be-jabbers out of what plants were holding on by their fingernails.

The result – at least in my digs – is chaos and old night. So, when I read another gardener’s blog and she asked that we share what is growing in our gardens, I scoffed. “Rien! Nada … nothing,” I thought. But then I made a list.

The shrub roses are kicking in.

Sedums are deepening from rose to mahogany, and they are imaging the color of the calyx on the heptacodium. Morning glory, scarlet runner beans, and Sweet Autumn Clematis continue.

Those dern Chinese lanterns are finally earning their keep.

Canna, asters, reblooming iris, cleome, zinnias and marigolds … dahlia and anemone are all chugging along.

Wild sweet pea, verbena, and crepe myrtle are still hangin’ around.

Hm-m-m, I guess I’ve got stuff. It’s just that it’s not sited in a good way, so I guess I need to go back to the drawing-board and re-design the autumn garden. That’ll be a nice winter challenge!

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