Monday, June 30, 2008

Verdant Home

I’ve just returned from spending a week in the desert – around the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. Many of the desert plants were in bloom – reaching out with delicate strands of pink and gracenotes of yellow and white. These lit up the scrub for sure…but it isn’t the same kind of beauty for me. Give me green with my gracenotes. While that hot, dry climate is interesting and unusual, I love coming back to all the “lushness” of our humid, green growth.

The garden fairly SINGS with verdant splendor! Lilies and daylilies are everywhere…hydrangeas are exploding…and all the secondary blooms contribute to the underlying chorus of color. Are there weeds here?

…oh, yes. But I’ll take my tumble of weeds over theirs any day of the week!

Hello, garden. I’ll get to you soon. Meanwhile, … good job growing. … great job glowing.

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